From Farm To Frankenfood: How Our Food Supply Has Become A Toxic Experiment

Aug 15, 2024

 by Rob Bratcher


The food supply today is undergoing a deeply unsettling transformation, as powerful industries push GMOs, antibiotics, chemicals, and now even mRNA vaccines into what we eat. It’s downright bizarre to think about how far we’ve strayed from what nature intended. Rather than investing in sustainable, organic farming that nourishes our bodies and the earth, money is being poured into creating Frankenstein-like food that's pumped full of synthetic interventions. It’s alarming, to say the least.

GMOs have been in our food since the 1990s, not to provide us with more nutritious, natural foods but to make crops easier to grow in mass quantities, often at the expense of our health and the environment. These crops are modified to withstand more pesticides and herbicides, which means we’re consuming even more chemicals when we eat them. That’s before we even consider the long-term health impacts of eating food that’s been genetically altered in ways we can’t fully understand yet.

And then there’s the issue of antibiotics in livestock, which has been quietly happening for decades. The rampant overuse of antibiotics isn’t just about keeping animals healthy; it’s about making them grow bigger, faster. It’s unnatural, and it’s contributing to a global health crisis—antibiotic resistance. Instead of creating healthier environments for animals to thrive naturally, industries are taking the shortcut of drugging them up and passing the consequences onto us.

Now, they’re taking it to a new level by introducing mRNA vaccines into our food supply, starting with pork. What started as a method to quickly develop vaccines for humans during the COVID-19 pandemic is now making its way into livestock. Instead of using natural methods to support animal health, they’re injecting animals with technology that fundamentally alters how their bodies respond to disease. This is happening without clear labeling, leaving consumers in the dark about what’s really going into their food  (Tennessee Farm Bureau)  (eFeedLink).

It’s absolutely wild that we live in a time where more money is spent on making food more processed, more manipulated, and frankly more poisonous, rather than ensuring that everyone has access to fresh, organic, and uncontaminated food. If that same energy and investment were funneled into regenerative agriculture, small organic farms, and local food systems, we could have a food supply that truly nourishes us. But instead, what we’re seeing is the continued corporate takeover of our plates, where the bottom line trumps health and well-being.

The potential ramifications of all this are terrifying. We’re not just talking about allergic reactions or short-term illnesses; this could be setting the stage for long-term, systemic health issues that affect us for generations. From hormone disruption and gut health to immunity and chronic disease, we’re allowing our bodies to become experiments in an industry that’s more interested in profits than in people.

It’s high time to demand better. We need transparency in labeling, accountability from those driving these changes, and, most importantly, a return to food that’s grown and raised as nature intended—pure, simple, and full of life.