Thursday Plate Update: Tofu Scramble & Tempeh Bacon vs. Scrambled Eggs & Regular Bacon

Aug 15, 2024

 by Rob Bratcher

Wholly Mountain Health & Fitness Thursday Plate Update:

A "Plate Update" is all about taking a delicious, familiar comfort food and giving it a healthier twist—without sacrificing taste. Instead of ditching the foods you love entirely, you're simply upgrading the ingredients to ones that are health-promoting. For example, you might take a classic dish like mac and cheese, and swap out processed ingredients for whole, plant-based options that boost your health. It’s not about losing the joy of your favorite meals, but rather transforming them into dishes that support your well-being and longevity.

This week we compare Tofu Scramble & Tempeh Bacon vs. Scrambled Eggs & Regular Bacon

1. Macronutrient Breakdown

Tofu Scramble (100g):
Calories: 76 kcal
Protein: 8g
Fat: 5g (mainly unsaturated fats)
Carbs: 2g
Fiber: 1g
Tempeh Bacon (100g):
Calories: 160 kcal
Protein: 15g
Fat: 6g (mainly unsaturated fats)
Carbs: 10g
Fiber: 6g
Scrambled Eggs (100g):
Calories: 148 kcal
Protein: 10g
Fat: 11g (mainly saturated fats)
Carbs: 1g
Fiber: 0g
Regular Bacon (100g):
Calories: 541 kcal
Protein: 37g
Fat: 42g (predominantly saturated fats)
Carbs: 1.4g
Fiber: 0g

2. Overall Calorie Comparison

Tofu Scramble & Tempeh Bacon (Combined)
Approx. 236 kcal
Balanced protein and lower fat intake, particularly low in saturated fats.
Scrambled Eggs & Regular Bacon (Combined)
Approx. 689 kcal
High in calories primarily due to high fat content, especially saturated fat.

3. Carcinogenic vs. Antioxidant Properties

Tofu & Tempeh

Rich in plant-based compounds like isoflavones, which have antioxidant properties.

Tofu and tempeh are minimally processed plant foods linked to cancer prevention.
Tempeh is fermented, promoting gut health and reducing inflammation.

Eggs & Bacon

Regular bacon is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO), linked to colorectal cancer.

Eggs, especially in high quantities, are associated with increased cholesterol levels, which can contribute to heart disease.

Regular consumption of processed meats like bacon increases oxidative stress and inflammation, which promote chronic diseases.

4. Disease Promotion vs. Health Promotion

Tofu & Tempeh:

Promote heart health due to high fiber, low saturated fat, and rich plant-based protein.

Soy-based foods are shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers and support hormonal balance.

Contains antioxidants, which combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

Eggs & Bacon:

Eggs have a mixed impact on health, with some evidence suggesting links to heart disease when consumed in excess.

Regular bacon promotes chronic disease by increasing cancer risk and contributing to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and inflammation.

Highly processed and high in sodium, exacerbating risks of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Additional Considerations

Environmental Impact:

Tofu and tempeh production have a much lower carbon footprint compared to animal agriculture required for eggs and bacon.

Ethical Aspects:

Choosing plant-based alternatives reduces the reliance on factory farming, which raises concerns related to animal welfare and sustainability.

Summary: Ditch & Switch for Health

Switching from scrambled eggs and bacon to a tofu scramble with tempeh bacon is a simple yet impactful change that promotes long-term health.

Nutritionally: You’re lowering your intake of calories and saturated fats, while boosting fiber, plant-based protein, and essential micronutrients.

Disease Prevention: Tofu and tempeh are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help prevent chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and metabolic disorders.

Conversely, regular consumption of bacon, a known carcinogen, along with eggs, can increase your risk of these diseases.

Digestive & Hormonal Health: The fiber and fermented nature of tempeh support gut health, while soy compounds in tofu can aid in hormonal balance and reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers.

Environmental and Ethical Impact: Opting for plant-based alternatives reduces your environmental footprint and avoids contributing to harmful factory farming practices.

By making this small switch from disease-promoting foods like bacon and eggs to health-promoting plant-based alternatives like tofu scramble and tempeh bacon, you actively support not just your own longevity but also a healthier planet.